Tuesday Tips | Feeling Stressed?

Feeling Stressed? Feeling stressed? Life is not stressful but listening to the mind makes it so. I call the mind the “dramatizer”! Just listen to it and you can certainly feel stressed. The longer you give your mind attention the more dramatic the stories. Worry, stress, fear, and anger all come from mistaking the messages…

Tuesday Tips | Perspective

Perspective Perspective I am grateful to have the perspective of the dual self. I can see my true self… and I can see my personal self. I can see my personal self wanting to take over. I can observe it wanting to dialogue. It wants to converse. It wants me to tag on to its stories. Some are of…

Tuesday Tips | Getting Lost in the Mind

Getting Lost in the Mind Getting lost in the mind. Many of us find ourselves lost in the mind. What we think is real is simply fictional portrayals of what is going on. Take a deep breath and pause. Look around you right now. Reality is everywhere. For this moment separate the two entities. Say…