What’s Bugging You
What’s bugging you?
The following script pertains to an experience I had recently. I encourage you to use this method when you are feeling depressed or stressed.
Many years ago, I created this exercise to help me break free of the noisy and useless rambling mind activity. I found that it was a great way to start my day. Here are the steps:
- This must be done on paper or by voice texting. Either way is fine. You just need to see the written words.
- Do this quickly without any regard for correctness.
- You are having a conversation with yourself that starts with “What’s bugging you?”
- From there… just let it fly — answer with only one sentence as quickly as possible without forethought.
- Then, respond with the word, “why?” and write your answer.
- Then ask “why”, answer…“why”… answer…“why”…answer until you figure out “What’s bugging you”.
Here’s what I wrote recently:
What’s bugging you?
I am still bugged by the mind this morning.
I have not reached or felt or experienced, a clear sensation of no mind.
I’m still confused about who I am.
I’m still viewing myself, as being attached to the mind.
I just found relief!
I am able to sense and see the separation between who I really am, versus the crazy, noisy, incessant mind.
The mind’s stories have nothing to do with who I am, regardless of whatever subjects are rambling… financial, future, past stuff, worries, anger, noise, activity.
I’m free again! Try this and see if it works for you