Discouraged? Concerned?
Discouraged? Concerned?
Do you ever feel bogged down with concerns about the future? What ifs? What now? How could I…?
Do you realize, those questions are food for the crazy mind to chew on?
Yes, you can feel like you’re going crazy, mired in a mass of concerns but guess what! Discouragement comes from listening to the mind.
If you learn to sprinkle in some POP’syou will start to “thin-out” the density of excessive, frustrating, mind time.
What is a POP? It stands for a Piece Of Peace. What does that mean?
A “POP” is an intentional, momentary break of the unconscious, negative mindstream.
This is what I did — and it changed my life.
And since then, I’ve been encouraging others across the country and teaching them how quickly this can change their life as well.