We all have regrets from time to time and we often think or say “If I would have…”, “If I could have…”, or “I should have…”
Do we actually believe these statements? Do we think we could have done things differently back then? Or, is it true that at that time in our past we were doing the best we could at the very moment based on…
the mood we were in.
the knowledge we had.
our maturity level.
the amount of sleep we had.
our need to feed our ego.
The past can only be perceived from the mind which often skews, magnifies, stretches, and exaggerates the event. The longer we think about something in the past the more the story builds and changes.
Ask yourself, “Are you being fair to yourself or should you give yourself a break?”
Realize that you were doing the best you could at that moment! Breakaway from regrets and guilt. It’s a waste of time!
Today is where reality lies. Forgive yourself and move on!