What’s Bugging Your (WBY)
What’s bugging you? (wby)
Here is a form of journaling I do daily, quite often in the morning to get my mind cleared out.
I would use a legal pad and open up a new page and write at the top “wby.” From there on, I just let it flow.
First, I ask myself… What’s bugging you? (wby) Then, I quickly scribble down a one-sentence answer. I follow up with “Why”? Then, another one-sentence answer, on and on, until I find relief.
I find it’s very important to respond quickly, without any concern for correctness of punctuation or spelling. I don’t give thought to what I’m going to write down. I just scribble it out as fast as I can!
My illustration below demonstrates how I started out feeling emotional, and I didn’t know why until it unraveled and a rational response finally surfaced and I found relief!
Here’s an example.
I am just so screwed up this morning. Why? I just don’t feel like I can concentrate. Why? I don’t really know. Why? I just feel like I am clogged up. Why? I can’t think clearly. Why? I’m just not at peace. Why? I think I’m trying to put too much pressure on myself. Why? Because I feel like I need to get this Tuesday Tip out to Ruth this morning. Why? Because I told her I would. Why? To try to make her happy. Why? I am concerned that she might get angry. Why? I don’t know… I guess that’s stupid… After all, she is in charge of her own feelings and I am not! She’s on her own. I can’t be responsible for how she feels about me or anything else. I’ve never even seen her mad before!
This is ridiculous!
BOOM!! I’m free!!